Learn To Swim This Summer


Did you know that South Florida leads the United States in drowning accidents? It’s not really surprising when you think about the number of homes and communities with pools here. Many of these tragic accidents occur to children who do not know how to swim, or have at least the basic understanding of how to get to the side of the pool and to safety.

The best way to avoid these tragedies is to learn to swim, and to send your children to swimming lessons. One of the best local resources is the South Florida YMCA. Many of the Ys in the area have pools, and certified, professional instructors who are qualified to teach students of any age.

Enjoy all of the outdoor pleasures South Florida offers by safely taking advantage of our pools and our ocean! For more information about swim lessons and to find a local YMCA pool near you, go to https://ymcasouthflorida.org/swim-lessons/.